Global GPS IWV - IGS repro1 - v1.2

Dataset Description


DOI: 10.14768/06337394-73a9-407c-9997-0e380dac5591




1-Jan-1995 to 31-Dec-2010


Bock Olivier (IGN-LAREG)


Global GPS IWV data at 120 stations of IGS permanent network

Observing Strategy

Merged GPS ZTD data from IGS-repro1 solution (1995-2007) + IGS trop_new (2008-2010) at 5 min resolution. IGS repro1 was reprocessed by JPL with GIPSY OASIS software in May 2010. IGS tropo_new was reprocessed by JPL with GIPSY OASIS software in July 2010. GPS ZTD screening is based on range check and outlier check of ZTD and formal errors at nominal temporal resolution. Hourly GPS ZTD means are computed from all values in 1-h intervals centred on integer UTC hours (minimum used : 4 values per hour). GPS ZTD hourly to IWV 6-hourly conversion uses ZHD & Tm computed from ERA-Interim pressure level data (with bi-linear horizontal interpolation from 4 grid points). Daily means are computed from hourly values at 00, 06, 12, 18, 24UTC with weights [0.5 1 1 1 0.5]. Monthly means are computed from all daily values (minimum used : 15 values per month).

Changes to v1:

  • IWV differences are not screened (in v1, normality test removed many days during moist season; will be fixed in a future release)
  • IWV daily means completed (in v1, ca 20% of the days were missing due to a bug)
  • IWV monthly means recomputed

Byun, S. H., and Y. E. Bar-Server (2009), A new type of troposphere zenith path delay product of the international GNSS service, J. Geod. 83(3-4), 367-373, doi:10.1007/s00190-008-0288-8.

IGSMAIL-6298 (2012), Reprocessed IGS Trop Product now available with Gradients, by Yoaz Bar-Sever, 11 November. [Available at]

Bock, O., P. Willis, J. Wang, C. Mears (2014) A high-quality, homogenized, global, long-term (1993-2008) DORIS precipitable water dataset for climate monitoring and model verification, J. Geophys. Res., Atmospheres, 119(12): 7209-7230, doi: 10.1002/2013JD021124


Ground-based GNSS networks

Site Type

Ground networks

Measured Parameters
Parameter Name

ZTD (zenith tropospheric delay)

Parameter Keywords



meter - m

Acquisition methodology and quality

ZTD parameters are from IGS-repro1 solution (1995-2007) and IGS trop_new (2008-2010) at 5 min resolution.

Temporal Coverage

1995-01-01 to 2010-12-31

Derived Parameters
Parameter Name

Precipitable Water

Parameter Keywords

Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Precipitable Water


kilogram per square metre - kg/m2

Acquisition methodology and quality

Precipitable Water (PW) or Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) is converted from ZTD using formula: IWV = K(Tm) * (ZTD - ZHD); K(Tm) and ZHD are computed from ERA-Interim pressure level data.

Temporal Coverage

1995-01-01 to 2010-12-31

Sensor precision

1-2 kg/m2

Use constraints

Permission is granted to use these data in research and publications when accompanied by the following statement: "The GPS IWV data were obtained from the VEGA project sponsored by French national program LEFE/INSU" The users should contact the principal investigator to agree either co-authorship or aknowledgement.

Data format


Data Access